আপনার গ্লোবাল ক্যারিয়ার প্রসপেক্ট ও আয় বাড়িয়ে নিন মাত্র ১ সপ্তাহেগ্রামীণফোন একাডেমিতে কোডার্সট্রাস্টের প্রফেশনাল সার্টিফিকেট কোর্সগুলো করে, সম্পূর্ণ বিনামূল্যে।

CodersTrust Workforce Development Solutions

CodersTrust end-to-end Workforce Development Solutions are comprehensive programs that cover the entire spectrum of workforce development, from identifying training needs to job placement and retention. Workforce Development Solutions are designed to maximize the impact of workforce development programs. 


By providing a comprehensive suite of services, these programs can address the full range of needs of individuals and employers, resulting in more effective outcomes and creating a more resilient and prosperous society. Our solutions can address systemic issues such as poverty, inequality, and unemployment. These programs can provide targeted training and education to individuals who may face barriers to employment, such as those from disadvantaged communities or with criminal records.

We create collaboration and partnerships between different stakeholders such as employers, training providers, and government agencies. Governments, NGOs, CSR programs, philanthropies, and universities can leverage their resources and expertise to form partnerships and develop effective workforce development solutions. Our Workforce Development Solutions can enhance the reputation and brand value of organizations, demonstrating their commitment to social responsibility and community development. These programs can also help to attract and retain talent, both as employees and as beneficiaries of the workforce development services.

End-to-End Solutions Components for Governments, NGOs, CSR Programs, Philanthropies and Universities
Communication, Outreach and Enrollment (COE)
Communication & Campaign Strategy, Design & Management
Enrollment Events
Course Selection & Guidance
Digital Marketing Strategy & Management
College & Community Outreach
Application Processing & Admissions
Communication & Marketing Automation
Channel Partnerships Management
Tuition Financing (incl. Digital Nanoloans)
PR (Public Relations) and Media Management
Online Student Relationship Management Solution
Sponsorship & Scholarship
Program and Course Design (PCD)
Program Design
Digital Content & Courseware
Delivery Model
Competency Model-based Skills Acquisition with Progressive Levels of Expertise
World-class Pedagogical Approaches
Blended Learning Delivery Model
OBE (Outcome-based Education) Alignment with Industry-expected Skills
Digital Instructional Design
Mentorship by Industry Professionals
Review by Industry Experts
Digital Content Creation
Personalized and Adaptive Learning
Accreditation Compliance
Learning Outcome-based Assessment Rubrics
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
Industry Certifications as Outcomes
Learning Outcome-aligned Real-Life Projects as Assignments
Facilitators Training
Industry Collaborations and Partnerships
OER (Open Educational Resources) and Course/Content Licensing
Program and Course Operations (PCO)
Program Management
Course Operations
Assessment and Certification
Program Operations
Student Portal and LMS (Learning Management System)
Learner Progress Monitoring
SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)
Onboarding and Orientation
Assignments and Projects
Standards Compliance
Skill Communities
Assessment and Feedback
Program Personnel Support
Learning Resources
Digital Badges, Micro-Credentials and Certificates
Online Q&A Sessions
Result Processing and Publication
Student Feedback
Graduation Ceremony
Employment and Professional Development (EPD)
Industry-Integrated Learning
Career Planning and Placement
Continuing Education
Mentorship by Industry Professionals
Assessment-based Career Advising
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) through Career Path
Industry Internships
Resume Writing, Job Application & Interview Prep
Soft Skills Mini Courses
Industry Apprenticeships
Job Fairs
Alumni Network and Engagement
Job Placement Support
Freelance Marketplace Onboarding

Innovating to Transform High-Potential Youth into Skilled Digital Workforce Worldwide


40 Wall Street, Suite 2004

New York 10005, USA

House# 82, Road# 19/A, Block# E

Banani, Dhaka-1213



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