আপনার গ্লোবাল ক্যারিয়ার প্রসপেক্ট ও আয় বাড়িয়ে নিন মাত্র ১ সপ্তাহেগ্রামীণফোন একাডেমিতে কোডার্সট্রাস্টের প্রফেশনাল সার্টিফিকেট কোর্সগুলো করে, সম্পূর্ণ বিনামূল্যে।
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আপনার গ্লোবাল ক্যারিয়ার প্রসপেক্ট ও আয় বাড়িয়ে নিন মাত্র ১ সপ্তাহেগ্রামীণফোন একাডেমিতে কোডার্সট্রাস্টের প্রফেশনাল সার্টিফিকেট কোর্সগুলো করে, সম্পূর্ণ বিনামূল্যে।
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Home > Courses > Software Development > React JS
React JS
Build Dynamic, Responsive Web Applications
Whether you’re pursuing career advancement, freelancing opportunities, or personal growth, this course equips you with the practical expertise to succeed and become job-ready.
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Acquire a skill and become job-ready with professional certifications
- 72 Hours
- 36 Classes
- Instructor-Led
- Online
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- Comprehensive Skill Development in React Js
- Understand the fundamentals of JavaScript
- Hands-On Learning with Real-world Projects
- Professional Skill Development & Job Readiness
- Learn from Experienced Instructors and Industry Experts
- Boost Your Income with Global Career & Freelance Opportunities
- Career Support, Freelancing & Expert Guidance
Key Features
- Earn a Professional Certificate from CodersTrust to validate your skills and enhance your career prospects
- Comprehensive curriculum covering fundamental and advanced React.js concepts
- Offers practical experience with real-world projects, helping you apply your skills and build a portfolio to showcase your work
- Specialized classes on freelancing platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer to help you onboard into freelancing marketplace
- Self-branding and Client Communication sessions to enhance your communication skills and effectively promote yourself in the job market
- Interactive live classes, available both on-campus and online, are offered in weekday or weekend cohorts to suit your schedule
Tools Covered
What you'll learn
- Understand the structure of web pages and how to use HTML to create semantic, accessible layouts
- Gain proficiency in CSS to style and format web pages, including the use of CSS Flexbox and Grid for responsive layouts
- Master JavaScript fundamentals such as variables, functions, loops, and conditional statements
- Gain a deep understanding of React.js and its core concepts, including components, JSX, props, and the virtual DOM
- Create dynamic, interactive user interfaces using reusable React components
- Master state management and event handling to build responsive, data-driven applications
- Implement routing and navigation using React Router to create seamless single-page applications
- Integrate external APIs for data retrieval and manage asynchronous operations effectively
- Style and theme your applications using CSS-in-JS techniques and popular libraries to create visually appealing designs
- Learn debugging and testing best practices to ensure the functionality and reliability of your React applications
- Explore efficient coding practices to write clean, maintainable, and scalable code
- Apply your knowledge through hands-on projects, reinforcing your skills and preparing you for real-world development challenges
Learning Path
- Browsers and HTML
- Editors Offline and Online
- Tags, Attributes, and Elements
- Doctype Element
- Comments
- Paragraph
- Heading
- Formatting Text
- Lists
- Links
- Images
- HTML Layout Elements
- HTML Semantic Elements
- Tables
- HTML Forms
- HTML Media
- HTML Element Reference
- HTML Attribute Reference
- Introduction CSS
- Basic Concept of CSS (2 Hours)
- Applying CSS to HTML
- Selectors, Properties, and Values
- CSS Colors
- CSS Backgrounds
- CSS Box Model
- CSS Margins, Padding, Borders
- CSS Text and Font Properties
- CSS General Topics
- CSS Navigation Bar
- Navigation Bar / Menu Bar
- CSS Dropdowns
- CSS Website Layout
- CSS Specificity
- CSS Animations
- CSS Flexbox
- CSS Media Queries
- CSS Responsive
- CSS Reference
- CSS Selector Reference
- Git, Source Control, GitHub
- Installing Git, Create GitHub Repository
- Git Init, git Add, Git Commit
- Set Origin, Git Push, Git Pull, Repo Overview
- Send Project Code GitHub
- Host website in GitHub & Create the Project Live Link
- Common GitHub Related Issues
- Git Branch, Merge Branches
- Git Pull, Toggle Branch, Merge Conflict
- Get started with Bootstrap
- Learning Bootstrap 2 Hour
- HTML5 doctype
- Responsive meta tag
- Box-sizing
- Breakpoints
- Containers
- Grid & Columns
- Gutters
- Utilities
- Z-index
- Typography
- Tables
- Figures
- Form control
- Select
- Checks & radios
- Input group
- Floating labels
- Validation
- Layout
- Accordion
- Alerts
- Buttons
- Button group
- Card
- Carousel
- Collapse
- Dropdowns
- List group
- Modal
- Navbar
- Navs & tabs
- Offcanvas
- Tooltips
- Navs & tabs
- Offcanvas
- Tooltips
- Backgrounds
- Display
- Flex
- Float
- Opacity
- Overflow
- Position
- Shadows
- Sizing
- Spacing
- Text
- Vertical align
- Visibility
- Introduction | Tailwind CSS
- Tailwind Installation
- Utility-First Approach
- Responsive variants – Tailwind Breakpoints
- Hover, focus & other state variants
- Dark mode variant
- Composing Utilities with @apply Directive
- Tailwind @layer Directive – Understand Tailwind Layers
- @variants Directive
- @responsive and @screen Directives
- theme() and screen() – Tailwind Functions
- Tailwind Configurations – Advanced Concepts
- PostCSS Installation – Advanced Concepts
- Theme Configuration – Advanced Concepts
- Extend Theme – Advanced Concepts
- Extend Variants – Advanced Concepts
- Tailwind CSS 3 tutorial – Upgrade to Tailwind 3
- Getting Started with JavaScript
- JS Variables & Constants
- JS console Log
- JavaScript Data types
- JavaScript Operators
- JavaScript Comments
- JavaScript Type Conversions
- JavaScript Comparison and Logical Operators
- JavaScript if else Statement
- JavaScript for loop
- JavaScript while and do…while loop
- JavaScript break Statement
- JavaScript continue Statement
- JavaScript Switch Statement
- JavaScript Function and Function Expressions
- JavaScript Variable Scope
- JavaScript Recursion
- JavaScript Objects
- JavaScript Methods
- JavaScript Array
- JS Multidimensional Array
- JavaScript String
- JavaScript for…in loop
- JavaScript try…catch…finally
- JavaScript throw Statement
- JavaScript Modules
- JavaScript ES6
- JavaScript Arrow Function
- JavaScript Default Parameters
- JavaScript Template Literals
- JavaScript Spread Operator
- JavaScript Map
- Destructuring Assignment
- JavaScript for…of
- JavaScript setTimeout()
- JavaScript CallBack Function
- JavaScript Promise
- JavaScript async/await
- JavaScript setInterval()
- What is DOM
- Analyze the DOM
- Traversing DOM Elements
- Traversing DOM Hierarchy
- Manipulate the DOM
- Listening to DOM Events
- DOM Project – To Do App using DOM
- JavaScript JSON
- JavaScript Browser Debugging
- What is React and How It Works
- React Virtual DOM Explained – Easy Explanation
- React ESLint, Formatting with Prettier, Editor & Project Setup
- React Prerequisites
- React JSX Element & Rendering Elements
- React Components and Props Core Concept
- React State & Lifecycle in Class Component
- React Higher Order Components (HOC)
- React Render Props
- What is Context API – Why Context API
- How to Use React Context API
- contextType & useContext Hook
- What is React Hook – React Hook Introduction
- React useState Hook
- React useEffect Hook
- React useReducer Hook
- React Custom Hook
- Stylesheets Inline Style & CSS Modules
- React Styling – CSS in JS
- React Router DOM Complete Guide
- Router DOM v6 – Breaking Changes – React Router 6 vs 5
- React Router v6 Private Route
- React 18 New Features – What’s New in React
- React Event Handling & Control Re-Rendering
- React Conditional Rendering, List, and Keys
- React Form Handling – Controlled vs. Uncontrolled Component
- Webpack
- Fetch Data from API in React
- React with Firebase
- Server-Side Rendering
- Project Day 1
- Project Day 2
- Project Day 3
- Branding
- Portfolio
- Payoneer
- Remote Jobs Opportunity
- Fiverr Account Creation
- Fiverr TOS Discussion
- Fiverr Gig Creation
- Buyer Communication
- Order Delivery
- Payment Method
- Upwork Account Creation
- Bidding
- Followup
Who Will Benefit
- Aspiring Web Developers seeking to enhance their skills
- Students pursuing degrees in IT, Computer Science, or related fields
- Individuals interested in freelancing as web developers
- Professionals in IT, software development, and web application development
- Full-Stack Developers
- UI/UX Designers
- Software Engineers
- Entrepreneurs and Startup Founders
Skill Level
- Intermediate
- ICT Literacy
- Laptop/Desktop with internet connection
- Basic knowledge of English (reading, writing, speaking)
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