আপনার গ্লোবাল ক্যারিয়ার প্রসপেক্ট ও আয় বাড়িয়ে নিন মাত্র ১ সপ্তাহেগ্রামীণফোন একাডেমিতে কোডার্সট্রাস্টের প্রফেশনাল সার্টিফিকেট কোর্সগুলো করে, সম্পূর্ণ বিনামূল্যে।
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আপনার গ্লোবাল ক্যারিয়ার প্রসপেক্ট ও আয় বাড়িয়ে নিন মাত্র ১ সপ্তাহেগ্রামীণফোন একাডেমিতে কোডার্সট্রাস্টের প্রফেশনাল সার্টিফিকেট কোর্সগুলো করে, সম্পূর্ণ বিনামূল্যে।
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Home > Courses > Software Development > MERN Stack
MERN Stack
From Database Design to Front-End Magic - Learn the Ins and Outs of Every Layer!
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Acquire a skill and become job-ready with professional certifications
- 168 Hours
- 56 Classes
- Instructor-Led
- Online/On-Campus
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- Comprehensive Skill Mastery
- Freelancing Opportunities
- Project Management Expertise
- Develop skills for real career growth
- Learn from experts active in their field
- Learn by working on real-world problems
- Structured guidance ensuring continuous learning
Enroll now and start your journey to web development greatness!
Key Features
- HTML Fundamentals
- CSS Basics and Tailwind CSS
- React.js Fundamentals
- Sanity.io Basics
- Node.js and Express
- Hands-on projects
- Expert instruction from industry professionals
Tools Covered
What you'll learn
- Understand HTML and CSS for creating responsive web pages
- Proficiently use Tailwind CSS for efficient UI development
- Master JavaScript fundamentals for dynamic web applications
- Learn React.js for interactive user interfaces and state management
- Develop backend applications with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB
- Utilize headless CMS like Sanity.io for effective content management
- Gain version control skills with Git and GitHub for project management
- Build full-stack applications using the MERN stack through comprehensive projects
Learning Path
- Orientation (By Student Affairs)
- Course Introductions
- Browsers and HTML
- Editors Offline and Online
- Tags Attribute and Elements
- Comments
- Paragraph
- Heading
- Formatting Text
Assignment Based on this topic
- Lists
- Links
- Images
- HTML Layout Elements
- HTML Semantic Elements
- Tables
- HTML Forms
- HTML Element Reference
- HTML Attribute Reference
Assignment Based on this topic
- Project With HTML CV
- Introduction CSS
- Applying CSS to HTML
- Selectors properties and values
- CSS Colors
- CSS Backgrounds
- CSS Box Model
- CSS Margins Padding Borders
- CSS Text and Font Properties
- CSS General Topics
Assignment Based on this topic
- CSS Flexbox
- CSS Media Queries
- CSS Responsive
- CSS Transform
- CSS Animation Basic and Animation Library
- Portfolio Landing Page
- Git, Source Control, GitHub
- Installing Git, Create GitHub Repository
- Git Init, git Add, Git Commit
- Set Origin, Git Push, Git Pull, Repo Overview
- Send Project Code GitHub
- Host the website With Github Action With Cpanel CI/CD
- Common GitHub Related Issues
- Git Branch, Merge Branches
- Git Pull, Toggle Branch, Merge Conflict
- GitHub With Own Repo
- Introduction | Tailwind CSS
- Tailwind Installation
- Utility-First Approach
- Responsive variants – Tailwind Breakpoints
- Hover focus & other state variants
- Dark mode variant
Assignment Based on this topic
- Composing Utilities with @apply Directive
- Tailwind @layer Directive – Understand Tailwind Layers
- @responsive and @screen Directives
- theme() and screen() – Tailwind Functions
- Tailwind Configurations – Advanced Concepts
Assignment Based on this topic
- PostCSS Installation – Advanced Concepts
- Theme Configuration – Advanced Concepts
- Extend Theme – Advanced Concepts
- Extend Variants – Advanced Concepts
- Tailwind CSS 3 tutorial – Upgrade to Tailwind 3
- Ecommerce Landing Page with Tailwind CSS
- Getting Started with JavaScript
- JS Variables & Constants
- JS console Log
- JavaScript Data types
- JavaScript Operators
- JavaScript Comments
- JavaScript Type Conversions
Assignment Based on this topic
- JavaScript if else Statement
- JavaScript for loop
- JavaScript while loop
- JavaScript break Statement
- JavaScript continues Statement
- JavaScript Switch Statement
- Problem Solving with JS
- JavaScript Function and Function Expressions
- JavaScript Objects
- JavaScript ARRAY
- Object and Array Destructure
- JS String
- JavaScript Import
- JavaScript Export
- JavaScript ES6
- JavaScript Arrow Function
- JavaScript Template Literals
- JavaScript Map
- JavaScript Callback Function
- What is DOM
- Analyze the DOM
- Traversing DOM Elements
- Traversing DOM Hierarchy
- Manipulate the DOM
- Listening to DOM Events
Project- Money Tracking WebApp
- Project Discussion
- Project Setup
- Project STARTER Guide
- Implement Function On That Project
- Implement DOM Manipulation on Project
- Last Day of the JS Project
- Exam on JS Problem-Solving
- What is React and How it Works
- React Virtual DOM Explained – Easy Explanation
- React ESLint, Formatting with Prettier, Editor & Project Setup
- React Folder Structure
- Stylesheets Inline Style & CSS Modules
- React Styling – CSS in JS
- Tailwind Integration with Some Tailwind CSS libraries NEXTUI and DAISYUI
- React JSX Element & Rendering Elements
- React Components and Props Core Concept
- React Render Props
- What is React Hook – React Hook Introduction
- React useState hook
- React useEffect hook
- React useRef hook
- React custom hook
- Router DOM v6 – Breaking Changes – React Router 6 vs 5
- React Router v6 Private Route
- React Router Outlet
- Dynamic Routing React
- E-commerce MultiPage With Routing and Dynamic Routing
- What is Context API – Why Context API
- How to use React Context API
- useContext hook
- React Lifting State UP
- E-commerce Add to Cart With Context API
- React Authentication
- Firebase Google Sign-in
- Manual SignIn
- React Form Handling
- React onChange Method
- React onClick Method
- Firebase Login/Register System
- What is Sanity.io/Strapi?
- How to Sanity.io/Strapi Help You for the Backend?
- How to Install Sanity
- Sanity io Documentation
- Schema With Sanity
- GroqQuery With Sanity
- Sanity Cors Policy Solve
- Sanity MultiUser Connect
- Connect Frontend with Sanity
- Fetch Sanity API From React
- Final Project Complete
- Exam on React Js
- Node Js Introduction
- How Node.js Works
- Node.js Installation – VS Code Editor Setup
- Node.js Global Object & Module System
- Intro With Mongodb and Mongodb Compass(GUI) Database
- Connect Mongodb to Express and Node
- Mongoose Setup and Query
- Schema Creation with Mongoose
- API developing
- Get Method
- Post Method
- PUT Method
- Delete Method
- Multer Setup
- Schema Creation
- Cloudinary Setup
- Upload File API
- Frontend setup For Upload
- Handle Post Request
- Send data to the Backend
- Setup MERN Project
- Server Creation with Express Js
- Installing Packages For Project
- Schema Creation
- Connect Mongodb to Server
- Install Postman API/Thunder client API Tester
- Create An MVC pattern For the Backend
- Create Front-end UI
- Connect front-end and Backend
- Implement Routing Feature
- Implement Axios to Fetch Data from the Server
- Complete the Full Blog Website With MERN
- End of Blog Project
- Final Project Overview Day
- Branding, LinkedIn, Remote Job Opportunities
- Portfolio, Payoneer
- Fiverr Account Creation, Fiverr TOS Discussion
- Final
- Fiverr Gig Creation, Buyer Communication, Order Delivery, Payment
- Upwork Account Creation, Bidding, Followup
- Followup
Who Will Benefit
- Aspiring Web Developers
- Frontend Developers Seeking Full-Stack Skills
- Students Pursuing Careers in Web Development
- Professionals Looking to Expand Their Skill Set
- Entrepreneurs Building Web-Based Startups
- Anyone Interested in Mastering Modern Web Technologies
Skill Level
- Intermediate
- SSC/HSC or equivalent qualification
- Basic IT literacy
- Age: No specific age limit
- Basic knowledge of PCs, MS Windows, internet and online proficiency
- Basic knowledge of English (reading, writing, speaking)
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