আপনার গ্লোবাল ক্যারিয়ার প্রসপেক্ট ও আয় বাড়িয়ে নিন মাত্র ১ সপ্তাহেগ্রামীণফোন একাডেমিতে কোডার্সট্রাস্টের প্রফেশনাল সার্টিফিকেট কোর্সগুলো করে, সম্পূর্ণ বিনামূল্যে।
আপনার গ্লোবাল ক্যারিয়ার প্রসপেক্ট ও আয় বাড়িয়ে নিন মাত্র ১ সপ্তাহেগ্রামীণফোন একাডেমিতে কোডার্সট্রাস্টের প্রফেশনাল সার্টিফিকেট কোর্সগুলো করে, সম্পূর্ণ বিনামূল্যে।
Starting from the beginning to become an Associate AWS Certified Solutions Architect. With AWS Skill Builder’s four exam prep processes, you can maximize your study time and learn seamlessly whenever and wherever you need to. This assessment verifies your proficiency with a variety of AWS services, including designing cost- and performance-optimized solutions and exhibiting a solid grasp of the AWS Well-Architected Framework.
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Acquire a skill and become job-ready with professional certifications
Advanced Cloud Based Skills on Solutions Architect
Comprehensive Exam Preparation
Access to AWS Related Jobs Network
Develop skills for real career growth
Learn from experts active in their field
Learn by working on real-world problems
Structured guidance ensuring continuous learning
The Solutions Architect Associate course is designed to equip professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the field of cloud architecture. Typically offered by leading cloud service providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), this course covers a range of topics essential for designing scalable, reliable, and cost-effective cloud solutions.
Throughout the course, participants delve into various aspects of cloud architecture, including cloud computing concepts, infrastructure as code, security best practices, and high availability strategies. Learners also gain proficiency in using specific tools and services offered by the respective cloud provider, learning how to optimize resources, manage data, and architect solutions tailored to meet specific business needs. The Solutions Architect Associate course opens up new career opportunities in the rapidly growing field of cloud computing.
AWS ATP training is the most effective way to access and form deep understanding of the offered learning paths through certified instructors and official course resources. The ATP guided training is an effective step towards exam preparation and eventually AWS certification which would enable aspiring individuals to be ready for future fit jobs.
Key Features
Acquire digital badges which are highly regarded in one of the top 3 IT tech companies
Readiness Preparation for certification exam
Hands on Resource and practical lab from Gillmore
Expert instruction from AWS Authorized Instructor (AAI)
Tools Covered
What you'll learn
Upon completing this course, you will gain proficiency in the following areas:
Knowledge and skills in compute, networking, storage, and database AWS services as well as AWS deployment and management services
Knowledge and skills in deploying, managing, and operating workloads on AWS as well as implementing security controls and compliance requirements
Knowledge and skills in using the AWS Management Console and the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)Understanding of the AWS Well-Architected Framework, AWS networking, security services, and the AWS global infrastructure
Ability to identify which AWS services meet a given technical requirement and to define technical requirements for an AWS-based application
The topics include how to make business requests in Amazon, introduction to Amazon Web Services and AWS Infrastructure. The module will follow AWS Well Architected Framework and present solutions.The module will conclude by knowledge check of the students.
The topics include how to make business requests in Amazon, introduction to Amazon Web Services principles and identities, and security policies. How to manage multiple accounts and module review. The module will conclude by a knowledge check of the students.
The topics include how to make business requests in Amazon, introduction to IP Addressing and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) fundamentals. The module deep dives into VPC Traffic security norms and practices and presents solutions. The module introduces Capstone Check-in. The module will conclude by a knowledge check of the students.
The topics include how to make business requests in Amazon, introduction to compute services. The module introduces the foundation of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances. The module further dives into EC2 instance storage, Amazon EC2 pricing options. The module deep dives into AWS Lambda,its applications,practices and presents solutions The module will conclude by a knowledge check of the students.
The topics include how to make business requests in Amazon, introduction to storage services and Amazon Storage Service (S3). The module introduces the foundation of shared file systems and Data Migration Tools. The module will conclude by a knowledge check of the students.
The topics include how to make business requests in Amazon, introduction to database services and Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS). The module introduces the foundation of Amazon DynamoDB with learnings of database caching, database migration tools and showcase of present solutions. The module will conclude by a knowledge check of the students.
The topics include how to make business requests in Amazon, introduction to monitoring, alarms and events, load balancing, auto scaling services. The students will learn Capstone Check-In and introduction of present solutions. The module will conclude by a knowledge check of the students.
The topics include how to make business requests in Amazon, introduction to AWS CloudFormation, infrastructure management. The module also enables students to learn concepts of Amazon CodeWhisperer with present solutions.The module will conclude by a knowledge check of the students.
The topics include how to make business requests in Amazon, and the foundations of microservices, containers, containers services with present solutions. The module will conclude by a knowledge check of the students.
The topics include how to make business requests in Amazon, introduction to Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoints, VPC Peering. The module deep dives into Hybrid Networking and AWS Transit Gateway norms and practices and presents solutions. The module will conclude by a knowledge check of the students.
The topics include how to make business requests in Amazon, definition and implication of serverless applications. The module will also enable students to learn Amazon API Gateway, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), and Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS). The module also teaches the students concepts and implications of Amazon Kinesis, AWS Step Functions with present solutions.The module will conclude by knowledge check of the students.
The topics include how to make business requests in Amazon, definition and implication of Edge Fundamentals. The module will also enable students to learn Amazon Route 53 concepts. Amazon Cloudfront, DDoS protection, AWS Outposts with present solutions.The module will conclude by knowledge check of the students.
The topics include how to make business requests in Amazon, definition and implication of serverless applications. The module will also enable students to learn Disaster Planning, AWS Backup and Recovery Strategies with present solutions. The module will conclude by a knowledge check of the students.
AWS Solutions Architect Associate level course will help to acquire relevant Cloud Based Architecting and Digital Architecting concepts, with both theoretical and Lab Based classes.
AWS is a global leader in cloud based services from foundational to advanced courses. There are selected certified AWS skill badge holders globally which will open greater horizons in high demand jobs globally.